Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Liebster Award

Can't believe I have been nominated for a Liebster award by starsoverdiamonds I am very suprised and amazed I have recived it. The Liebster award is an award for up and coming bloggers with under 200 followers (the new-comers) :) This is my first and hopefully not my last award nomination as I try and get better at my blogging skills.

So first I have to share with you guys 11 facts about myself and answer 11 questions given to me. I loved the fact I got to nominate other bloggers at the same stage as me. I would like to think it gave them the little boost it gave me to keep going at it although you don't have hundreds of followers.

So here are my 11 facts about me

1. I have just become an aunty for the first time.
2. My full name is Shanie Marie Faith Fitzpatrick.
3. I have a National Diploma in Business.
4. I'm really fussy when it comes to food, I won't eat eggs, milk, red meat and mushrooms.
5. I'm currently listening to Ed Sheeran- Drunk.
6. My favourite drink is Kopparberg - Cloudberry.
7.I always wanted to be a make-up artist when I was younger.
8. I am addicted to motor bikes and want one so bad.
9. Even when i'm at work i'm thinking about what I am going to post.
10. I want to do a qualification in nails ( Acrylic, Gel etc..)
11. I still belive in fairy tales (Meeting your prince, Falling in love and riding away into the sunset ) :)

The 11 questions I have been asked.

1. What is one piece of technology you absolutely cannot live without? - The internet, all I do in my free time is look at nails, hair and google random thing I need to know.
2. What song are you loving right now? Ed Sheeran - Give me love.
3.What is your biggest source of nail art inspiration? - Blogs, blogs and more blogs.
4.What is your favourite thing about running a blog? - I love the fact I can show people things I have tried and explain my thoughts and my mistakes. Also seeing what things other people have tried most of these people that you would never normaly meet.
5.What is your least favourite thing about running a blog? - I hate that I don't know how to use all the gadgets yet :(
6. What is your dream job? I would love to not worry about money and go around heloing others build things like schools, homes etc...
7. What is your favourite design/pattern? I am addicted to using striping tape at the moment so anything i can do with this. although I have jsut seen a cloud mani and I think this maybe my new fave.
8. Do you have any quirky habits? - I cannot eat soggy toast, I have to let it cool down so that when I butter it the butter doesn't melt.
9. What is your favourite season? - Winter I love being able to wear loads of layers and wrap up warm on the sofa!
10. If you could spend all day with a celebrity who would it be with and why? - Kim Kardashian, I have the biggest girl crush :)
11. What's the one thing about the world you wish you could change? - I would wish that you never had to say bye to anyone you loved.

So now that I have answered my questions and told you all about myself, I would like to nominate the following amazing bloggers....


So now all you guys need to is the same! Tell us 11 things about yourself and answer my 11 questions!

1.If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
2. If you could go back to any age and stay there what age would it be and why?
3. Whats you favourite shop?
4.Why do you like to blog?
5. What do you love the most about nail art?
6. Tell us something about yourself no-one else knows?
7. What made you start blogging?
8. Favourite song?
9. Where do you work?
10. If you could chnage one thing for yourself or someone else what would it be?
11. what is your favourite fairy tale?

So now it's your turn!

Thanks again for the nomination.
